Disclaimer: maybe a vulgar word or two will be embedded in my thoughts and emotions within this post. Read at your own risk. I take no responsibility for how you receive my amateur attempt at explaining whatever journey this is that we are on. My slanted opinion is not sterile nor washed for political correctness. Oh, my grammar. Yes, the grammar will suck. I apologize in advance. Make no mistake, you will get the point regardless. You might not agree but you’ll understand my angular conclusion.
Okay, you are still here. Good luck to the both of us.
I want to discuss education. Yes, the rabbit hole of philosophical musings and controversy. If I hear one more parent ask why their gifted child is not being identified I am going to rip the imaginary tape off of my mouth and color the precious oxygen around me with the reasons why every single child is gifted. Therefore…no need for a gifted label.
Since when did math and science become the exclusive measure of success and purpose for leading a meaningful life? I call bullsh*t. Oops, I warned you.
Problem solve this. Culture gives the highest praise to particular areas of learning. Why? My grandfather joined the merchant marine at age fourteen. He had no high school diploma much less college. Through experience and determination he ended up claiming the title of a master navigator, and captained the R.V. HERO. A research vessel with a reinforced ice breaker hull that explored Antartica for the U.S. government. Work ethic, grit, passion, and most of all a commitment to following his instinct, his calling, his passion. And then doing whatever he had to do to get on with living this life he loved with purpose.
Meara is a daughter, a student, a dancer, an artist. She completes her assignments in all the academic content areas and listens to her teacher. I know this because her teacher told us. I say she is gifted. You know why? Because she is missing parts of her brain. And she still has seizures every night. But you will never find the word “gifted” launch out of my (or Megan’s) oral harbor because guess what? Every stinking kid out there is a gift. Every single one of these innocent minded small beings has a gift. And every single kid is “gifted” in something. Even if it’s in empathy, compassion, in being a good human being.
I’m not raising my children to do what the institution says they should do. I’m raising my children to ask the question “What can I do to make a difference in the world?” Instead of “What will I be when I grow up?” That question is empty anyhow. You know what you’ll be when you grow up? You will be you. Perhaps a wiser and more experienced you.
I am part of this institution by the way. I am a parent, a teacher, a participant and observer of society. So pin the tail on me. I am technically within the scope of blame for this institution that is incessantly obsessed with the use of the word, label, whatever we want to call it. In fact, if I were a lawyer I’d sue myself. For holding my tongue and not speaking my mind earlier.
For a brief moment entertain existence without joy…or love.
Shakespeare…imagine being his teacher. Would you want Shakespeare to choose a profession that some institution deemed “practical” or lucrative? Or would you rather he follow his own creativity and vocational call and wait for it…become Shakespeare? Freaking Shakespeare. I do not want to imagine literature if he had followed some imaginary advice of a imaginary institution. If he had thrown his creative talent by the side to make room for a empty yet institutionally approved life.
Ponder these words if you ever feel curious of why we have more youth experiencing anxiety, depression, even suicide: “If I lose myself...I am nothing.”
Somehow I don’t read this as “If I lose my job…I am nothing.” I read it as “If I fail to be authentically me…I am lost.”
Neighbor, friend, family member…I dare you to use the word “gifted” when we discuss your child. Don’t be surprised if I give you a few reasons of my own as I opine why every child is gifted in their own right. Maybe just maybe I will convince you to lose the label and see your child as something, someone more than just the content that they learn.
Next time you say "My kid is gifted.” I will reply “Hey, my kid is Meara.”